I’m Amanda!


I create arrangements with fresh and dried flowers, herbs, branches and other goodies found in Nature.

The plants I collect show us Nature’s beauty, processes, death and rebirth. They remind us that life is forever changing, that structure and pruning are essential for healthy growth, and that releasing the old gives way for the new.

While educating myself in the ways different cultures and generations have employed plants for personal healing, I’ve collected a summary of super powers that Mother Nature (Mama) has offered up for help in our journey. We possess these same powers within ourselves, and my Intention Cards are a great tool for turning them up.

Back in 2018, my eyes and ears started noticing things I hadn’t witnessed since I was a little girl. I spent a lot of time by myself in our yard. I examined sprouts as they developed. I watched ants devour wasp nests. I sat with the robins as they built a nest in the Coral Bark Maple above my chair in the garden. I started chatting with hummingbirds who seemed to be determined to tell me something.

I began to realize that Mama Nature was offering a higher perspective, and that She was all around me, ready to help me figure myself out.


I started researching the medicinal and spiritual properties of the plants in my garden. I started out by reading books like The Magic of Flowers by Tess Whitehurst, and Flower Essence Repertory by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz. Then I started scouring the internet for flower magic folklore, and flower powers in greek mythology, religions, and Herbalism. I was so excited to find that everything out there had a superpower to share.

My amazing partner, Matt.  We celebrated our 20th Anniversary in 2020!

My amazing partner, Matt. We celebrated our 20th Anniversary in 2020!

The garden became a safe place for me to practice listening so myself - “weird” whispers that I was no longer afraid to act on. During my spring garden clean-up in 2019, I decided to make bundles with my yard debris and burn them like logs in my firepit. Looking back now, I see this as my first fire circle. Just me and Matt.

I used the fire to thank Mama and and how she showed up in our garden for the past year of wisdom and growth.

As we burned each bunch, I shared what I’d learned about them. Hydrangea was for boundaries. Black Eyed Susans were for release. Sage was for cleansing. Maple was for finding the beauty in everything. Hornbeam was for protection. Crocosmia, one of my favorites, was one I hadn’t found much information on.

I decided to dedicate that bundle to my hummingbird friends.

As the thick stalks lit up and curled in the fire, I thanked Mama for sending these amazing little winged messengers to hang out with me.

I was drawn to the performance the plants put on as they burned. The stems looked like veins as the light and heat pulsed through them. Dried blooms opened up as they blazed, and the smells were incredible as everything came back to life once more before turning to ash.

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The morning after our fire, a nest showed up on our porch.

One of the hummingbirds we’d paid tribute to the night before had decided to move in and raise her family in a magical spot where we could watch and learn how Mama does it.

She built her nest in the bottom of my heart.

If that’s not magic, I don’t know what is.

I feel like Mama finally said, “Okay. I’ve been trying to tell you that this gets to be your thing. It’s not too good to be true. You are safe and good and worthy. Meet Frances. She’s going to live with you for a while and wants to show you a few things. Trust Me. Trust yourself.”

Check out more of Frances and her chicks on the blog. I’ve got lots of great photos of videos of them from hatch to launch.

“Look deep into Nature. You will understand everything better.” ~Albert Einstein

I didn’t grow up with much room for my own spirituality. I’ve finally decided to dig in and listen to what speaks to me, and I’m beginning to trust my intuition.

I feel called to co-create beauty with Nature while watching what It’s doing.

Each of my projects has a story to tell. I take into account where and when it’s parts were collected. I watch my pieces come together through connection, time and inspiration. I listen to what the flowers and branches are asking me to consider, and I share what they are saying with my clients.

As I fine-tune my connection with Mama, my projects and career keep evolving. The process has been scary, exciting, and Divine.

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Questions? Please let me know! I’d love to answer them for you.